Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Warm Embrace of China

Welcome to China

I thought that I would have a difficult time being accepted in China and that I would be treated indifferent because I was a foreigner. I was in fact treated different but it was in a good way. Everywhere we went, I was constantly asked to take a picture. Initially, I thought that the people of China had mistaken me to be a celebrity or something. lol But I later realized that they weren't use to seeing people like myself; African Americans. I was truly an an anomaly in China; I was exotic. The people seem to really gravitate to me. I also noticed that the Chinese were very "touchy feely", which isn't the case in the United States; a place where personal space is a must. It didn't bother me though, I actually liked it because it made me feel welcomed.

 The Peace sign in China means "Good Luck"
Being in China allowed me to step out of my comfort zone; I even let a Chinese woman touch my Afro. It's amazing how much I learned about myself while being in China. I'm grateful for such an amazing, once in a lifetime experience.
 Amna (my excursion buddy), a woman who wanted a pic with me, and myself.
Those candy strawberries were delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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