Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Shanghai GM

Visiting Shanghai GM was also a great experience. This visit gave insight into the  joint ventures going on in China. I also learned why its important to understand and study the culture of a company you seek to do international business with. Corporate cultures vary from company to company, so they surely vary across the world. I learned that its crucial to accommodate the needs of your customers when conducting international business, so its important to fully emerge yourself  into the culture.

During this visit, there was a presentation which was very informative and provided understanding of the emerging auto industry in China. We learned that in addition to obtaining a Driver's Licence, one must also obtain a Car License. Due to over population, car ownership is regulated by the government; and there is currently 1 million Chinese citizens awaiting approval for license. There's a slight dilemma, in that there is a monthly pool by which only 2,000 peple are selected for approval. Notwithstanding, even if you own a car, you are only permitted to drive on certain days of the week, and can be fined for violation of this law.

Just imagine if you were only able to drive on Mondays and Wednesdays.. how much would this restriction impede you ability to handle your personal and professional responsibilities?

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