Thursday, April 10, 2014

China/ Hong Kong Trip 2014!

Amanda Colombo
Blog China Hong Kong Trip 2014

·      Shanghai Day 2- March 9- Bund, Shanghai Museum, Yu Garden, and Jade Buddha Temple visitations.  Today we visited my favorite place- The Jade Buddha Temple. 
     It was very enriching and interesting how people prayed with their incense sticks.  I follow Buddhist practices here in the states, but have never seen that
     type of worship.  I thought it was very inspiring and peaceful. 

·      Shanghai Day 3- March 10- General Motors Visit.  Visiting General Motors was fun to me because we got to see how they work in China.  They are very diligent- with little breaks.  It really showed how hardworking GM is overseas.  I was very surprised, however, that working conditions were not too good.  While they were making cars and I looked up to the ceiling, I saw the lighting with almost no ceiling and only concrete floors.  I thought they would have better working conditions. 

Beijing Day 2 – March 12- Morning visit to People University.  Took the subway with Johann, Steve, Yeimy, and Camy to the Beijing Zoo.  Also, saw Tian’anmen Square and Forbidden City.  Experienced China’s crowding and detectors to get into Forbidden City entrance.  The Chinese Subway is so much cooler than the New York Subway.  On the Chinese Subway, there are holographic commercials when you look outside the window of the train.  Very high technology allows them to do this.  Also, they have very easily read signs in English in order to get to your destination.  Johann was the most map-friendly person so he was in charge of getting us there, and he did.  Overall, it opened my eyes to how communist China is.  When we were waiting to get into the Forbidden City, pushing and shoving was the norm.  Also, police officers were yelling at Chinese citizens in a very rude manor.  Obviously we didn’t know what they were saying, but hand gestures and body language revealed it was not at all positive.  Instead of being tourists, I felt
    like a resident- and it was 
    not that great to be honest.  Even though everyone knew we were tourists by our physical appearances, they didn’t treat us in any special way.  When we traveled as a group, we got accommodated to wherever we went.  For a change, it was nice seeing what the true Chinese citizens have to go through. 

Great Wall of China


             Beijing Day 3 – March 13- Great Wall, Changling Tombs, and Sacred Way tour.  The Great Wall was amazing! The breathtaking views when we got to the fourth stop were great.  It surprised me on how hard it was to actually go up it- those soldiers had to be in tip top shape! As an athlete, I thought I could do it with ease.  It was hard! Some of the steps were a foot high and really required leg strength.  When all was said and done, we were at the top of the fourth building and met some cool people from Spain.  They were vacationing also, and we took some pictures with them.  Overall, Professor Naatus, Camy, Charles, and I had a lot of fun going to the fourth tower.

Hong Kong Island Beach
          Hong Kong Day 1 – March 14 – Tour of Hong Kong Island, Went to the Market and looked at the Beach.  In general, Hong Kong Island was my favorite destination we went to.  The beautiful beaches and welcoming villagers really made my stay in Hong Kong the best out of the three cities.  The palm trees were relaxing and the markets were so small and personal- in a good way. 

        Hong Kong Day 2- March 15 Cruise in the Harbor and Saint Patrick’s Day Festival on Hong Kong Island.  The Saint Patrick’s Day Festival was amazing!  It was so much fun.  The last night in Hong Kong was the most eventful out of the whole trip. 

****Travel Days not included.
Saint Patrick's Day Festival

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