Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Psychology, Creativity & Education

People's University of China
Visiting People's University was a great experience. I found the lecture from the Chinese professor to be extremely informative. He gave much insight to the aspects of the Chinese culture that isn't necessarily depicted in text books. He mentioned that the Chinese are a "psychologically fragile" people. For some reason, that term seemed to stick with me.. I've connected their fragility to the meekness that I seen in them. The Professor said that the fragility was developed throughout the Chinese history, especially that of the Opium War. The professor also mentioned that the Chinese are a people who lacks innovation, and so that's why they tend to imitate. I however, beg to differ. Every factory, temple or garden we visited was filled with innovation and creativity. There was intricate and detailed art work all around, the architect was uniquely distinguished, and I witnessed amazing crafting.

Ex. Hand made Crafts and designs

The most jaw dropping information provided by the professor was about TUITION. It costs about $5000/year for a Master's in Business in China, while at St. Peter's University in the United States it costs about $25,000. I haven't done any research on the quality of education in China, but People's University is one of the top 5 universities in China. I have one question that has yet to be answered "WHY IS THE COST OF HIGHER EDUCATION SO HIGH AND HEAVILY INFLATED IN THE UNITED STATES?" 

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