Thursday, May 1, 2014

Shanghai and Beijing Day 3 and 4

Day 3: We went to General Motors to learn a little bit of what the car industry does and how it is involved with others in terms of business. We were given a tour around the industry on how cars are essentially made. It was fascinating to see these automobiles being assembled and looking at the finishing products in display. They produced about 40 cars per hour. We also learned that in China, because of the overpopulation, registered licenses are only given out every month as almost a lottery ticket to the first 1,000 people. China does not want heavy traffic so this is a way to control the amount of cars driven.

And let us not forget that that same day we went to a school to donate instruments. Steve, Charles, Johan, Yeimy, Amanda, Camy, Maria, and I were chosen to assemble this drum set out of the box and its attachments. Kenney then saw us and helped us assemble it the correct way and tuned the drum set, being a drummer himself. We also  had the privilege of having Mr. Marco Obama accompany us and  join us for an evening dinner and cruise.


Day 4: The city of Beijing felt was traditional. The Summer Palace was the first place we visited upon arrival with our new tour guide, Mark. It was an extraordinary view and I felt that I was in the heart of China. I have seen some architecture through movies, but seeing it in person was very astonishing. You can tell how many years of hard work had been carved into this Summer Palace. So much detail was in these paintings, that I could not resist taking pictures of everything. While taking pictures I found this adorable baby with his parents.

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