Wednesday, May 7, 2014

My trip to China and Hong Kong: Day 1

Day 1:
To start off, we landed safely to Shanghai. Where David, our tour guide picked us up and took us to a nice restaurant and experience a lazy Susan style lunch for the very first time.
We're off to our tour bus to finally check into the hotel


It was a pleasant challenge to try eating my lunch with chop sticks as well as being able to share a meal with everyone. I am so used to having my own meal and as far as sharing goes, I trade my plate with my brother half way through the meal. This lunch was very refreshing and something new and very welcoming. After the lunch we went back to our hotels to finally settle in. 

Our first night we went to a french territory. Where we got to take in the city at night. The first place we arrived was a little too americanized for me and my friends, that we decided to roam around the area to find a nice authentic Chinese place, instead of an Americanized restaurant. Unfortunately after the 3rd restaurant we realized that they were closing soon or the kitchen was closed so we ended up back were we started and went inside the restaurant. Our first meal we ordered was of course not Chinese food.
It was pizza.

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