Thursday, May 1, 2014

Day 5 and 6 Beijing

Day 5: We went to Renmin University of China where a professor, who walked very fast, I may add, showed us a quick tour around the campus. The dorms and building here in the university looked as though they were part of a company. It was very nice. And one thing a couple of girls noticed was that the facilities in school were very different from those in the United States. What I enjoyed the most here, was how the professor gave not only general information but also talked a little more in depth about the economy, consumption, income and Guanxi is. We learned a lot from this professor!

Afternoon in Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City

These two places were very significant in terms of history. We all gathered together to take a picture with General Mao Zedong in the background. I remember that guards were standing in line while crossing the bridge to the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City was amazing and enormous! I could not imagine the size of this place. We saw many tourists coming in to see this site. I can’t believe we were right in front of the throne room. Of course my buddy and I could not miss the opportunity to take pictures.

Day 6: Today was the most exciting day because we went to the famous Great Wall of China, one of the Seven Wonders of the World! We were ready to climb this wall. My friends and I were ready to race all the way to the top. We had so much energy at first, but once we were up to the second tower we were out of breathe. Our thoughts were “Phew! We made it to the top, Oh wait no! We still have more to go!” It was worth it though and that was a great exercise, with very big steps to take (our legs were wobbly while walking down from the great wall.). The view from here was truly amazing. We could not believe that we were actually physically here. We felt as though we were on top of the world! We also went to the Changeling tombs and the sacred way. I loved the scenery from where we stood.    

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