Saturday, March 29, 2014

First Time Abroad

Eating Lazy Suzan Style

I enjoyed eating at round tables because it forced people to be aware of others and work together during lunch and dinner.  There is no head at the table and everyone can see each other equally.  Dr. Alorbi challenged me to use my chopsticks to embrace the Chinese culture which was harder than I thought.  However, by the end of the trip, I was more advanced at using chopsticks along with the rest of the group.  Rice and eggs seem to be a standard dish at every place we ate.  The desert was usually watermelon, oranges, and dragon fruit. You could always expect free beer with your meals.  I was skeptical about eating certain foods that I couldn't recognize.  The Chinese admit that they eat all types of animals and insects.  I decided to eat mostly vegetables throughout the week to avoid getting sick from something my body is not use to eating.     

1 comment:

  1. Great lazy susan picture, sums up the majority of our meals. I bet you all miss it, even though you were getting tired of it after 5 days! My favorite was the eggplant, but without the octopus.
